When I was in 6th grade, my mother had chronic illness and spent many of her days in bed. I wanted to make her well, but I felt helpless. I was helpless. This was the precise time that I began my misson to become a pharmacist. The way I saw it, as a pharmacist, I could try and make her well, which would also give me a feeling of having a tiny bit of control in an unpredictable situation.
Throughout high school, I took every science class I could.. The foundation of science was necessary to help me understand the intricate details of our bodies. I knew it would prepare me for my healthcare journey, and I was determined to make it happen.
Pharmacy school was exciting and I learned so much. I even learned about illnesses that my mind tricked me into believing I had!! Yes, I even thought I had many of those terrible illnesses that we learned about. Interestingly, we never learned about botanicals or natural healthcare options.
I started my career in retail pharmacy and loved it. It was very rewarding for me to help people on their health journey, helping them to navigate their complex drug regimens and the associated side effects that come along with that. Later in my career, I moved to the corporate environment, to manage clinical programs that supported millions of people with their medication regimens.
During a very dark time in my life, I started using essential oils for their emotional properties. I didn’t know much about essential oils, but they smelled good and if there was any chance that lavender could help ease my anxiety, I was more than willing to try it.
In early 2015, I went to an essential oils class and heard, for the first time, about all of the therapeutic effects of essential oils. I learned that essential oils have similar properties to many medicines without the terrible side effects. I was intrigued and decided I had to learn more. This is where my essential oils journey started!
I started to do research on the properties of essential oils and how they work. Since that time, I have taken many trainings and today,I am a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Certified Essentials Oils Coach, and Level1 Certified Animal Aromatherapy Practitioner. I continue to take classes from well-respected aromatherapy schools and teachers to expand my knowledge and am currently a consultant for Dr Janet Roark, essential oil vet. You can view my link here.
My continued passion for oils and holistic living comes from a deep-rooted desire to do what is best for my family and help empower others to do the same. Turning to natural remedies has provided our bodies the opportunity to do what it was meant to do, and that is to be well! Your body’s ability to heal itself is greater than anyone has led you to believe. Our creator created us in ways that we will never comprehend.
Believe it or not, my mother is now a poster child for health. It’s hard for people to believe that there was ever a time she was sick. While those years of illness were rough on me and my family, it was the fuel that propelled me to desire helping others on their wellness journey. My passion for wellness will continue to grow just as scientists will continue to discover new benefits of each oil. It’s a very exciting time we live in!
My desire to be a pharmacist and then my journey to natural health defines my purpose in helping others on their health journey.
My first husband left me after 8 years of marriage. After this, I did a lot of soul-searching and found my true worth in who God made me. God brought me a helper suitable in James Moyna. Today, we share a passion for healthy marriage and lead the pre-marriage ministry at our home church, The Chapel. My faith drives me to learn more about what the Bible says about plants and oils for healing.
Anyone who knows me knows that my pets are like children to me. We had a dog named Major when I was a child. He was my best friend. There has never been a time in my life where animals were not one of my greatest loves. In college, I got my first kitty, Sheba. She started my love and passion for cats. After I lost a special kitty named Simon, I knew I needed to find a dog that was cat-like to fill the hole left in my heart. That is when my chihuahua journey started, with my first dog as an adult, Carter. These sweet pups are what drive me to pursue the use of aromatics in pets.
Essential oils have therapeutic properties that can support physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Purity of essential oils is critical when choosing and oil to use to support health concerns.
It is amazing to know that thousands of years ago, plants were used for medicine. The Bible mentions healing plants and oils over 500 time in the Old and New Testaments.
One of my favorite ways to support my pets is through natural health options. My dogs love when I use essential oils and they have come in handy for emergency situations as well as simple things like flea protection.